Documentary filmmaking workshop in Anykščiai Jonas Biliūnas gymnasium
Portraits of trees
20 Nov 2018 - 11 Dec 2018
Meno AvilysAnykščiai
The filmmaking workshop was devoted to a diary of trees. Inspired by the excerpts from the films by the professional filmmakers and the local trees the students made their own portraits of trees.
During the workshop students explored the topic of a diary of trees. They watched and discussed excerpts from the films: The Sky Turns / El cielo gira, by Mercedes Álvarez, 2004, Autumn Snow / Rudens sniegas, by Valdas Navasaitis, 1992, The Ancient Woods / Sengirė, by Mindaugas Survila, 2018, Alone / Viena, by Audrius Stonys, 2001. In parallel, the students scouted locations, searched for ‘the characters’ for their films, made photographs and created storylines. The result of the workshop is the short films around the topic of a life of a tree and a human being. The workshop was led by the documentary filmmaker Aistė Žegulytė and the film educator, teacher Renata Miškinienė.
The Sky Turns / El cielo gira, by Mercedes Álvarez, Spain, 2004
Autumn Snow / Rudens sniegas, by Valdas Navasaitis, Lithuania, 1992
The Ancient Woods / Sengirė, by Mindaugas Survila, Lithuania, 2018
Alone / Viena, by Audrius Stonys, Lithuania, 2001