Young programmers who program in cinemas and festivals for a year
Young programmers who program in cinemas and festivals for a year
9 Mar 2021 - 31 Mar 2022
A Bao A QuJóvenes programadores que durante un año programan en cines y festivales
Since March 2021, seventeen young people between 16 and 20 have formed the group of Joves Programadors Moving Cinema 2021-2022. During the course they schedule and accompany sessions held at festivals such as the D’A Film Festival, L’Alternativa Festival Independent de Cinema de Barcelona, at Filmoteca de Catalunya, at cinemas and at events of other artistic disciplines.
The group meets weekly to watch and comment on movies, design the schedule, organize sessions, etc. The sessions are accompanied by professionals from the Cinema en curs – Moving Cinema team. Meetings with filmmakers and other professionals in the cinematographic field are also organized.
The group of Joves Programadors Moving Cinema 2021-2022 is made up of Clara Barriuso, Daniel Benítez, Lenyn Bernal, Carla Claret, Carles Forner, Blu Gerbi, Lara Guerra, Núria Jordán, Tomàs Malavía, Maria Antònia Miró, Georgina Mulet, Judit Ortuño, Pau Peláez, Gemma Requena, Martina Romero, Júlia Serra, Mar Teixidor.
D’A Film Festival. Short film session ‘Un Impulso colectivo’ (8th and 9th)
The first session was held in May at the D’A Film Festival. On 8th and 9th of May they accompanied a program of three short films: Augas Abisais by Xacio Baño, Derivas by Nayra Sanz Fuentes and Souvenirs d’un arbre by Sònia Abella. The session culminated in a dialogue with the filmmakers.
To prepare the session, they had previous meetings with the filmmakers of the programmed short films. From the conversations they produced leaflets with the reflections of the filmmakers. At the same time, they designed posters and trailers for each of the short films.
Leaflets – Poster – Trailer
Auguas Abisais, Xacio Baño (2020)
Derivas, Nayra Sanz Fuentes (2020)
Souvenirs d’un arbre, Sònia Abella (2020)