Young Programmers at Giro Giro Film 2019
Programació de llargmetratges en el marc d’un Festival
11 nov. 2019 - 17 nov. 2019
Otok InstituteYouth Center Koper
Introductory Sessions for Young Programmers from Primary Schools at Giro Giro Film: on November 14 and 15, 2019, as part of two screenings at Giro giro film – Film Days for Children, Families and Youth at the Youth Center Koper, more than 130 curious youngsters who love cinema and are interested in peeking behind the scenes of programmed films at festivals or cinemas got introduced to what it takes to be a Young Programmer.
We invited local primary schools to bring their students to the films Goodbye, Berlin (Tschick, Fatih Akin, Germany, 2016) and Fight Girl (Vechtmesje, Johan Timers, The Netherlands / Belgium, 2018), and discussed with the young people the specifics Moving Cinema concept of Young Programmers, how they can apply, which films they will watch and how they will choose their favourite, which will then be programmed at the 16th International Kino Otok – Isola Cinema in June 2020. When the festival takes place in Izola, they will get a chance to look behind the scenes of the making of festivals. During the films, we conducted conversations that, due to the multitude of topics 130 young people were eager to open, lasted both times around an hour.
Goodbye, Berlin (Tschick, Fatih Akin, Germany, 2016)
Fight Girl (Vechtmesje, Johan Timers, The Netherlands / Belgium, 2018)