SEFF – Seville European Film Festival. Screenings and dialogues with filmmakers
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6 Lap 2015 - 14 Lap 2015
A Bao A QuSevilla
SEFF - Seville European Film Festival invites students between 15 and 18 years old to some screenings of the festival.
The team of the festival, toghether with a A Bao A Qu, selects five movies from the programme that the students can watch during the eight days of the festival.
Three high schools from Seville participate in this first pilot experience: Instituto Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, Instituto Ciudad Jardín y Instituto Severo Ochoa.
In first place there is a training with all the teachers involved in order to facilitate them the tools, strategies and methodologies for the preparation of the screenings, the movies to watch and the dialogues after the films.
Berserker, de Pablo Hernando (Spain, 2015)
Deux, Rémi Deux, de Pierre Léon (Two, Rémi Two, France and Switzerland, 2015)
Paradise, de Sina Ataeian Dena (Iran and Germany, 2015)
Mon amie Victoire, de Jean-Paul Civeyrac (My friend Victoria, Francia, 2014)
Stubborn (Une histoire americaine), de Armel Hostiou (An American Story, France and USA, 2015)
- Berserker, de Pablo Hernando (Spain, 2015)
- Deux, Rémi Deux, de Pierre Léon (Two, Rémi Two, France and Switzerland, 2015)
- Paradise, de Sina Ataeian Dena (Iran and Germany, 2015)
- Mon amie Victoire, de Jean-Paul Civeyrac (My friend Victoria, France, 2014)
- Stubborn (Une histoire americaine), de Armel Hostiou (An American Story, France and USA, 2015)